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Han Sung Motor Co. taps scent for branding and marketing

South Korea  |  2020-07-28
South Korea  |  2015-05-18

Luxury car marketing has sought to tap into nearly every area of the human senses, but Han Sung Motor Co. is taking it to a new level by adding a fragrance to the company’s branding strategy. The largest official Mercedes-Benz dealer in South Korea released “Han Sung Motor Co. Interior Fragrance,” a signature perfume to be presented at Han Sung Motor Co. showrooms across the country. “The reason we have come up with the fragrance is because we wanted to form a stronger emotional relationship with the brand Han Sung and our customers,” said Han Sung Motor Co. CEO Dr. Ulf Ausprung at a seminar on 13 May 2015 to mark the launch of the fragrance.



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