articleId = 88269
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利星行汽車墨爾本推出高性能的梅賽德斯-AMG C 63 S E,好友到場增添光彩

澳洲  |  2020-07-28
LSH Auto Melbourne unveils the high-performance Mercedes-AMG C 63 S E…with a little help from its friends
LSH Auto Melbourne unveils the high-performance Mercedes-AMG C 63 S E…with a little help from its friends
LSH Auto Melbourne unveils the high-performance Mercedes-AMG C 63 S E…with a little help from its friends
LSH Auto Melbourne unveils the high-performance Mercedes-AMG C 63 S E…with a little help from its friends
LSH Auto Melbourne unveils the high-performance Mercedes-AMG C 63 S E…with a little help from its friends
LSH Auto Melbourne unveils the high-performance Mercedes-AMG C 63 S E…with a little help from its friends
LSH Auto Melbourne unveils the high-performance Mercedes-AMG C 63 S E…with a little help from its friends
LSH Auto Melbourne unveils the high-performance Mercedes-AMG C 63 S E…with a little help from its friends
澳洲  |  2024-03-21

利星行汽車墨爾本在2月最後一週推出高性能傳奇車款 – 梅賽德斯-AMG C 63 S E。

該活動因品牌之友、第7頻道體育記者Jason Richardson和知名騎師Craig Williams的光臨而增添不少光彩。

利星行汽車(澳洲)的品牌大使、梅賽德斯-奔馳總駕駛培訓教練暨賽車手Peter Hackett也來到現場與大家分享他的專業知識。


當晚亦展出沙夫豪森IWC萬國錶 x 梅賽德斯- AMG聯名合作的明星錶款,以及飛行員計時腕錶41「Mercedes-AMG PETRONAS Formula One™ Team」特別版。




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