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澳洲  |  2020-07-28
The second Think. Event by Qantas Magazine, supported by LSH Auto Australia discusses the concept of Executive Evolution and how it helps great leaders to stay great.
The second Think. Event by Qantas Magazine, supported by LSH Auto Australia discusses the concept of Executive Evolution and how it helps great leaders to stay great.
The second Think. Event by Qantas Magazine, supported by LSH Auto Australia discusses the concept of Executive Evolution and how it helps great leaders to stay great.
The second Think. Event by Qantas Magazine, supported by LSH Auto Australia discusses the concept of Executive Evolution and how it helps great leaders to stay great.
The second Think. Event by Qantas Magazine, supported by LSH Auto Australia discusses the concept of Executive Evolution and how it helps great leaders to stay great.
The second Think. Event by Qantas Magazine, supported by LSH Auto Australia discusses the concept of Executive Evolution and how it helps great leaders to stay great.
The second Think. Event by Qantas Magazine, supported by LSH Auto Australia discusses the concept of Executive Evolution and how it helps great leaders to stay great.
澳洲  |  2024-08-27

第二屆由《Qantas》雜誌主辦、利星行汽車(澳洲)提供支持的 2024「思考」活動,於7月29日在澳洲最熱門的餐廳之一,位於布里斯本毅力谷區的 Tama 舉辦。


這場討論會由《Qantas》雜誌主編 Kristen Galliot 擔任主持人,並邀請了多名卓越的小組成員,其中包含:

  • Craig CowdreySonder的共同創辦人,具有法律、外交和軍事等多元背景。
  • Ben Crowe:全球知名的運動員表現和思維教練,包括網球冠軍Ash Barty、來自世界各地的行政總裁、高階主管和教練。
  • Jennifer ChildOrotonGroup的行政總裁,同時也是McKinsey & Company的前合作夥伴。


利星行汽車布里斯本的經銷商總經理 Kenneth Got 熱情歡迎利星行汽車的賓客,並強調領導力進化在瞬息萬變的豪華汽車零售世界中所發揮的關鍵作用。





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