articleId = 88269
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STERNAUTO brings smiles of joy to Young Dentists Group Mercedes-Benz Drive Day

Germany  |  2020-07-28
STERNAUTO brings smiles of joy to Young Dentists Get-Together Mercedes-Benz Drive Day
STERNAUTO brings smiles of joy to Young Dentists Get-Together Mercedes-Benz Drive Day
STERNAUTO brings smiles of joy to Young Dentists Get-Together Mercedes-Benz Drive Day
STERNAUTO brings smiles of joy to Young Dentists Get-Together Mercedes-Benz Drive Day
STERNAUTO brings smiles of joy to Young Dentists Get-Together Mercedes-Benz Drive Day
Germany  |  2024-11-26

STERNAUTO recently held a Mercedes-Benz Drive Day for a special group of customers.

The group, Jungzahnärzte-Stammtischs, comprises young dentists who meet regularly.

Starting from STERNAUTO’s Magdeburg showroom, the road trip event provided a rare opportunity for the special guests to bond with a fleet of Mercedes-Benz models over a 170km stretch of breathtaking landscapes.

A highlight of the day was the rejuvenating stop at Kaffeemänner Rösterei & Manufaktur in Aschersleben where they not only enjoyed superb coffee and refreshments but were also given an educational tour on coffee processing.

There were smiles all around and along the entire event – with the brightest smiles being behind the wheel of a Mercedes-Benz.

Find out more about STERNAUTO.



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