articleId = 88269
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LSH Auto UK looks within for additional staff welfare support.

United Kingdom  |  2020-07-28
United Kingdom  |  2021-05-11

Throughout the years, LSH Auto International have garnered many hard earned successes, accolades and achievements.

Yet, it is the ongoing process to ensure the welfare of our staff that matters most to us.

Take LSH Auto UK who have recently recruited numerous staff volunteers from all departments to be trained and certified as Mental Health First Aiders for example.

As Ian Williams, Head of Human Resources, LSH Auto UK, said:

“Our colleagues are our most treasured assets and we’re proud now to have over 35 (since mid-April, 2021) Mental Health First Aiders…

…(they) can help, support and signpost colleagues in times of need and this could make a big difference to the welfare of our colleagues in times of need – both in work and at home.”

According to a 2017 Deloitte report, employers who are aware of supporting mental health and emotional wellbeing, have an organizational culture of openness, acceptance and awareness.

With lockdowns, social distancing, WFH, and the other toils of the COVID-19 pandemic, we need to look out for each other more and be even more aware and appreciative of the welfare of our colleagues.

Kudos to Ian and all the volunteers at LSH Auto UK!



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